For your company

Complete management and optimization of services and exportation, market research and issuance of certifications.

The creation and development of a private label product also passes through diverse bureaucratic processes involving market research, certifications, and inspection for the release and sale, among others. In other words, it’s much more than creating and putting a product up for sale.

With a focus on optimizing this method, we also have a range of services aimed at product management and development, where we do everything from market research to guarantee the viability of the product, to the process of certification and release of necessary documents, bringing simplicity and agility to your production process.

Certification of products and factories

Certification is a procedure that works like a quality guarantee seal, certifying that all the steps required by regulated bodies were followed before the release of a product or the operation of a factory.

Thinking of the optimization of your product, Oito Trade is a company specializing in the certification of products and factories. With years of experience in the market, we guarantee that all the processes are carefully followed, taking care of all the documentation and any bureaucratic concerns.


Customs certification and inspection

The customs dispatch is an essential step in the importation process of a product. Here your company passes through a rigorous verification, where the data declared about the imported merchandise will be analyzed, as well as any presented documents, everything must comply with the current legislation.

We understand every step of this process and possess the necessary structure to support and monitor your company, from the first declarations to customs clearance.

Market research

Entering the market or even seeking expansion without effectively knowing the current demand is a very high risk that can cost you your dream of becoming a leader in your segment. This is why it’s always recommended to collect data and information and use it as a basis to understand the most relevant aspects of the niche in which your company operates.

Oito Trade now combines, among other services, market research and the entire information management and logistics process. You give us the direction and we make it happen!


Private Label, certificação de produtos e fábricas, importação e exportação, estudo de mercado, logística e despacho aduaneiro.

A Oito Trade possui uma equipe de profissionais altamente capacitados, prontos para auxiliar a sua empresa nos mais variados processos referentes à produção, importação e exportação de produtos. Nós cuidamos de tudo! Gestão, logística e financiamento.

Veja abaixo os detalhes de cada serviço prestado.

+ 0
países atendidos
+ 0
Produtos de diferentes categorias
+ 0
Clientes satisfeitos

Certificação Bureau Veritas

Nossas principais soluções

Somos uma empresa focada em otimização. Temos soluções sob medida para cada negócio, desde o desenvolvimento do fabricante, produção, testes e inspeção de qualidade, logística internacional, tratamento administrativo, anuências, logística de distribuição e gestão burocrática dos processos.

Fale com a nossa equipe!